VZ Environmental provides start-to-finish secondary spill containment services to Oil & Gas companies.
Combination Safety Shower and Emergency Eyewash trailers provide full-body drench and eye-flush in one unit.
VPondz, portable frac ponds, are cost-effective option for spill containment or temporary above ground water storage.
8kW or 20kW trailer-mounted, portable lighting solutions. Maximize uptime at construction and oil field sites.
VStraintz help contain high-pressure piping and flow line components in case of rupture or excessive impulse.
Available as full-service or single and multi-day rental. 550- and 1000-gallon capacity - heat, steam and soap options.
On-site services to Oil & Gas companies in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
Available as full-service or single and multi-day rental. Diesel fueled engine. 500-gallon collection tank. Mounted pressure washer.
Protect ground and surface water sources. Patented foam wall spill containments.
Minimize and contain airborne dust particles released from sand proppant equipment.
Environmental stewardship, community involvement and continual improvement. VZ Environmental is proactive in commitment to customers and communities.
Partnering with SafeLandUSA, ISNetworld and DISA Global Solutions is how VZ Environmental strives to achieve an accident-free, incident-free workplace.
VZ Environmental has six office locations.
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Recognizing Oil & Gas companies for their commitment to environmental stewardship.
Companies, large and small, that actively demonstrate safety and environmental values.
Partner with VZ Environmental in the STAY CONTAINED™ Initiative.
STAY CONTAINED™ web graphics for partners to share their recognition as environmental stewards.
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