VZ Environmental has acquired TitanLiner. Together, the two companies will combine to form VZT Solutions. Visit vztsolutions.com to learn more. Read the full press release here
Renting a portable safety shower and emergency eyewash trailer for your oilfield, construction or other industrial job sites provide on-the-spot, first line of defense to protect workers in the event of a chemical-related accident. When work site safety is a priority, ensure that if an emergency arises you're prepared.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) items such as gloves, safety glasses, shoes, hard hats and coveralls all help minimize injuries. Still, in the event of accidental exposure or contamination by chemicals, the combination of a portable safety shower and emergency eyewash station provides a quick, essential decontamination resource that allows workers to flush any part or all of their body within seconds of exposure.
Eye wash stations allow workers to quickly engage the water flow with a flip of the actuator lever to flush objects or chemicals from eyes.
Units are designed to be activated in less than 1 second. And, remain operational without the operator's hand on the valve, lever or handle.
Emergency shower heads deliver a wide diameter of water to ensure that the water will come into contact with the entire body - not just the top of the person's head.
Showers are designed to be activated in less than 1 second. And, remain operational without the operator's hand on the valve, lever or handle.
Our bright yellow VZ Environmental branding with large "Emergency Eye Wash" and "Emergency Safety Shower" logos allow all workers on your frac or construction site to identify and understand the assistance available in case of an emergency.
VZ Environmental partners with Oil & Gas frac site operators (as well as construction and industrial sites) throughout Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. We work with your specific needs for on-site, portable safety decontamination shower and emergency eyewash trailers by creating a flexible rental plan to accommodate the number of days and units you need for the duration and changes of activity at your frac or construction site.
Optionally, you can choose whether we maintain each trailers water and power generator while on your site or you self-maintain it.
Call us for a quote or use our online contact form.
VZ Environmental has strategic office and fully staffed oilfield service yard locations to efficiently service customers in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
VZ Environmental can supply rental trailers to your frac, construction or industrial site throughout Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
VZ Environmental's goal is to maintain a zero Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR). The safety or our workers and others at the sites we service is fundamental.
Our Safety Director, Gerald Forrest, maintains on-going safety training and certification for all oilfield services employees and VZ Environmental is rated with all major safety rating companies. This includes Avetta, ComplyWorks, DISA Global Solutions, ISNetworld, PEC Safety and SafeLand USA.
VZ Environmental's commitment to quality is recognized within the Oil and Gas industry.
Our inventory of portable safety shower and eyewash trailers is completely company owned and maintained to ensure reliability and performance while on your site. VZ Environmental service personnel are available via our 24-hour dispatch should the need arise to attend to any of our units.